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Useful tips for Small Business

General update by IBBZ Accounting on latest tax news, business growth and technology tips.

Why patience is key to grow your small business?

Why patience is key to grow your small business?


Patience is a virtue for growth and profits in many small businesses. Although entrepreneurs want to grow fast with their new business plan and expect fast results, they need to be patient to see success. Having patience means you can wait peacefully because you have invested time, energy and money rather than getting frustrated, worried or disappointed.

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Why you should possess good listening skills in small businesses?

Why you should possess good listening skills in small businesses?


Listening is the key to effective communication. Effective listening helps in sharing clear information, increasing productivity, building customer satisfaction and employee motivation. Whereas poor listening can easily create misunderstanding, irritation or frustration in business.

Listening is a desirable strength for your business to have in order to build relationships both internally and externally.

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Why are small businesses important in growing New Zealand’s economy?

Why are small businesses important in growing New Zealand’s economy?

Small Businesses


Small businesses are independently owned cooperation, partnerships or sole traders. There is a close control over operations and decisions by the owners. In NZ, small businesses play an important role in the growth of economy as they make up majority of businesses.

Although the big businesses may lead the stock market, however the small businesses are making economy moving as these are engine for growth. 97% of businesses in NZ are small businesses, employing less than 20 people and contributing 28% in GDP of NZ (New Zealand’s Support for Small Business 2018).

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Team Building

Team Building

Team building is a systemic process where individuals work together in a well-coordinated and cooperative way turning into a cohesive team in order to achieve common goal. Team work is crucial for the success of a business. With team building skills, knowledge, talent and creativity of different individuals are blended together to get the best out of them.

Effective team building enhances working relationship between individuals, improves cooperation and as a result, produces better results, improves productivity, boosts morale and overall motivates team.

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Why Business networking essential for small businesses?

Why Business networking essential for small businesses?

Business Networking

Business networking is a process of creating and nurturing relationships with other businesses, clients or potential customers. It is mutually beneficial for both the parties to enhance their knowledge, build new business opportunities and learn from success of others.

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Employee engagement for small businesses

Employee engagement for small businesses

Enhance employee engagment

Employee engagement is the degree to which employees feel enthusiastic about their work, are highly committed and put their best effort in the growth of the business. As employees are backbone of any business, so employee engagement not just meant for running your business smoothly, but also helps in overall success.

Engaged employees are focused, full of energy and always present in the situation. They are constantly ready to do more than what is expected out of them as they feel connected with the purpose of the business. According to Gallup, companies with engaged employees outperformed their peers by 147% in earnings per share.

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Mantra to solve all kind of business problems

Mantra to solve all kind of business problems

Problem Solving

Problem solving is a process of working on the minuteness of a problem in purpose of reaching a solution. These days, none of the businesses have immunity towards problems, so they face many problems every day. In one situation, problems can be small, easy and simple or big, difficult and complex in other. How a business handles a problem makes a huge difference in its success and failure.

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Why is customer service important for your business?

Why is customer service important for your business?

Importance of Customer Service

The services provided by your company to the customers before and after purchasing products or services is called customer service. Your customers can be new, potential or existing. If you want to grow your business, then customer service is the heart of your business irrespective of its size.

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How to make your small business profitable with advertising?

How to make your small business profitable with advertising?

Why Advertise?

The success of many small businesses depend on how you wish to grow the profits by using appropriate advertising. Advertising builds reputation of your company in the market and encourage customers to try your products or services, increasing sales and generating more profit. However, before you advertise it is important to understand what’s your target customers, whether male or female, their age group, how many in number you want to target, where to target at local, regional or national level in order to reach many customers.

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The Court of Appeal reconfirm Permanent Place of Abode is very crucial in determining New Zealand Tax Residency.

The Court of Appeal reconfirm Permanent Place of Abode is very crucial in determining New Zealand Tax Residency.

In a tax case Van Uden v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2018] NZCA 487 the decision was delivered on 08th November 2018. High court decision was upheld in the favor of IRD explaining New Zealand Tax Residency and Permanent Place of Abode Test.

The decision confirms the interpretation of permanent place of abode as set out in Commissioner of Inland Revenue v Diamond [2015] NZCA 613. Permanent place of abode in New Zealand can be seen as “a home in New Zealand”

This case provides very good explanation on New Zealand Tax Residency and Permanent Place of Abode Test.

The permanent Place of Abode test overrides 183 days test for New Zealand Tax Residency.

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